Thursday, June 19, 2014

Interrogating A Sickle

What a devious curve
You carry. A burden?
I think not. You, batch of breath,
You shoulder it with mastery. And
Still you yank a trailing sack.
You are so versatile! A
Magicked many inhabit your arsenal.

Do you polish it often?
To make the sour swerve of it 
More proficient? Do you
Let it fester? Let it ring with rust 
So it triumphs with more a tear
And a tug than a terminal trim? 

Do you drag in that crumpled bag
Your face, too?
Your comb-over, your
Strawberry scrubs, your mucus and
A priest, a parasite, a private bud
Born to unscrew. 

How do you come?
Some proud plume of smog.
Hooded, hunched like a parable.
Or do you don a cloak more
Blending to brothels, to brooding
Leftovers, to frothing water
Weighing down the prize. 
A perfect plundering. 

Do you smile? When you 
Do what you do and you see it
Do you revel in it? 
How foolish, you're always veiled as
The victor.
But I once read in a fat book that you
Let one slip through. The fat book
That leeched, preached on my
Soul for a decade, until it had
Shriveled it down
To a crooked cashew.
Still fragrant enough to attract you. 

Do you wince after every fake rising?
A pillow pristine, sheets solid with
Do not look so shocked! So 
Typically abysmal!

I know you are sleepless.
Your head heavy with one eye active
For every two.
They say repent, repent
For seconds ill-spent but they haven't a clue.

I know you are sleepless.
Omniscient monarch, clutching
Both sun and moon.
I know your lips are tasteless, 
Your heels are beat-less.
No rest, we fragile crops need
Tending to.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014


These things are foul things.
Mercilessly cunning, erotic in
A way. I play with them, 
Unhook the cage and let them
Stumble drunkenly from
The ivory cradle.

I love them. I find them
Poking me like pins, a cancerous
Raffle, each begging to be the 
Stem. I am tense in a wire
Suit. Erect, stiffened so I cannot
Evade a single prick.

How many times must I
Employ you? How many ways
Can I twist and tangle you to
Mitigate the brutality of
A sunrise? 
Isn't this enough? Is this not a
Testament, a coin revolving mid-toss?

I once believed these black
Blocks would rise solely from that unholy triad,
If not all, than the ultimate.
Lift the magnifying lens, ignorant iris.
Was I incorrect? Deleted drafts of the
Alchemic buffer.
A high, high number.

But I love them. I collect them
Like butterflies that met fate freshly.
My skull has never been so full
Of phantom wings, tickling.
O what a ghastly scab, neutrality.
A fickle stalemate.

Do not dare to make me state his name.
Do not dare to make me debate with a 
Duplicate of my physical frame.

Yes I reference the deathless,
The glittering ghouls that haunt
All print, possess palette, pencil.
But I'll be hanged for my
Redundant return to the crux.
Ribbon rhymes strapping me 
To a tolerable voltage.
Does that not reveal enough? 

I can hardly count the times he
Brings a soiled Spring to me 
And blooms on page, in pixel.
The ugliest thistle. Good god, my eyes 
Ascend and bend to the
Inertia, darting across the spectrum.

It is a cavernous room, packed
Tight as a pipe with all of you.
My innocence stripped by the
Cry of this vicissitude.
One could pose that I abuse as I
Use, but I am 
Prone to argue. Just lean into 
The mirror. 
Lean into it - I'm certain you'll see it too.
You do not do.
And yet you do.
And still you do not do.


/////////////////////////////////////////////// prompt, June 5, 2014
"So what do you believe of language? which is it? the best tool? does language fail?

Answer that, or perhaps tell us a time language failed you. or maybe when you found just the right words."

Completed too late to link, but I figured submission was paramount after a birth like this.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Do you think the beat drew them
Like flies to foul carrion,
Contorted by world ways?

A string of burnt beads.
Voiceless and glowing with 
Sweat. There was a furious sun that day,

Designated to celebrate something
Insignificant, a plastic portion of 
A collective identity.

Defeated each time the darts 
Whipped from eyes and spandex,
Until the street-feet ebbed to allow the boundary.

Brown and rose oils crushed on the
Canvas of a closed road.
A mole then seemed a gem.

The ripple after ringleader, the 
Brush in jagged motion to grasp
A curve of the hem

Beneath a buttock. This clan of
Flat-hand, pheromone.

A pernicious parade is what I saw,
A fluid contradiction. Insignificant,
But it is the idea that they broke.

The multitude may have made
Messiahs, but I doubt
I was the lone acolyte 

Of logic. Another pair that stared
Must have caught the scent of
Tarred wings, lost flight. 


Sunday, June 1, 2014


Dapper youths avoid me.
No blame. Four knuckles
Top four rings on

My anchor arm.
If repellent then I succeed
In tribute to my betrothed.

How romantic, one may
Think, to wed and bed
A being met in childhood.

Strange husbands. Each more
Virulent than the next. The
First I found in my blood,

In the mitts of a white coat.
He over time gained size
Gained speed, whip-quick.

He greets me at our front door
With his red face red eyes smiling.
I am a missile and he never leaves my side.

An organ wailing used to stir
A brew, aversion to stigma
Until I met Husband Two

I do not do the “hush hush”
My catholic cogs tell me to.
He throws a bulls-eye on every thing
And paints my nakedness with fire.

Man made of matches, my
Second husband. I know
He’s groped you too.

He planted the slicing eye
In yours and mine.
Sprouting unconcealable crease.

The Third I've often seen
Crouching in moonless hedges.
My skin still soft he

Wriggled up to me. Serpentine.
Coiled a question mark
A wheat reaper head.

He bolts my feet to floors
In rooms where thousands of doors
Would willingly swallow me
Husband number three.

Piled on a twin mattress we
Make love ironically.
A heaving mass of sparking clay

A gasp I am a male mother
And I propose to the bred dead
Thing in me, the

Rancid Oedipus so
Sickly green. Kiss after kiss.
Who should question this polygamy?


Personal Pantheon

Up here
The wind does not wastefully
Whisper it
And races as sharp as shrapnel.
My bust is stainless.
If anything, a twitch of the cheek.
Where floorboards would be sent flying
Mine only creak.

I peer and hear the dissonant
Offspring of the petri dish
Below. Of friction, mobile cultures,
A glow.
The cap hides the stalk that I know
Grows on the underside.

I was down there once, a bellowing
Primate engrossed in the war waged
Every sunrise.
The plate to be pleased. The body appeased.
Another mate dissipates and maps on my
Legs branch like an illustrated fever.
The towels in place,
As Plath’s face hit the grate I
Shriek my first shriek,
Release the first piece of the chalk likes that
Extend on the slate,
Unrolled her chemical tongue in my
Eyes full of white.
Even then I deflate.

I wrenched the broth from me and
The conical mass that I now top is
Coughed up from the mud by its
Own accord.
A horde of columns, a mythical wedding
Cake. With tiers for my fellow, but lesser
This fresh mountain built so the one
Looking down this time is

I have seen them come and go,
A sporadic flow of former
The beat pixie that rolled R’s,
Whose syllabic disregard and song made
Skin cleave with ease.
Words of richest art.
Hung like the towels, the towels to
By the eye of VonTrier.

“Fashion me a crown of lilacs,
Of lichens and the cheapest pearls” I
Command a crowd of no one.
I am iridescent in my throne of
It is all borrowed, and I am alone
And accompanied,
A level lower, relics that reflect light.
Colored chrome.
The pyramids of books I have
The translucent elevator parts and
Here: a can of spray-paint,
Seahorse in tank. Floating files of
Etched discs encased.
A bother, the duality,
But I still tremble, for Venus as a nail
guarantees my margin of

Three have descended from the
Cybernetic cumulus to take my seat,
A trinity.
They bestow blindness as they
Strip me of my clothes, my power.
Opaque pistol to the throat.
I breathe gasoline into the air I
Detonate bricks rebuilt year after
But my retina heals, my brain is
Unpeeled and after I let the sizing seconds slip
I sacrifice.
I rip my right arm and toss it to the
Marble I tear my jawbone from the
Concept cradle.
They shrink like a sponge.

Cataloged, I sink them in the
Subterranean vaults of my universe.
Magnetic adversaries.
The fathers of all wrongdoing in
My religion.
Babies in sports gear.
Babies bathed in bong water.
One, nothing short of nuclear fission,
Eyebrows that I longed to thieve by mouth
With the force that I grind the pit of a cherry.
I don’t have a thunderbolt to sheath.
My violet skin, I am a lizard king. My
Sopped sockets enter space like a

My mother didn't dunk me in the
Each in, a soft spot, and I do die.
But with each sugar cube headstone
Sunk behind my chair I
Sew a new skin.
Thicker but thinner, variations when traversed
By a newcomer’s fingers.
I satisfy.
Each tarp is a winner.

I have no temple in the dirt,
No bound account in every translation I do
Not have stained-glass middlemen or a
Either I squirmed ‘til I was free or the agar exiled

I sled down this Olympus and
Assume the visage of
Antifreeze in standing water, of a
Field of flowers. The denizens,
They infiltrate.
Splatter me mid-rotation,
Conceive in my multi-hued cocoon.
I drip to a pulse-less parking space.
In me they swoon.

So soon they sweep with cilia
The epidermis that I mime.
To blink would be no less than crime.

The armrest crackles. I, browning
I page through the inventory, decide
Upon tooth.
A hadron echo, of marbles in a plaster room.
Rise, Rise.
I coax myself to double-coat in different
Films, to sleep a while within the kiln.
And I bloom,
The cosmological amoeba with infinite
False feet  -   I expand
Stretch a network of constellations,
Each fiery diamond brand new.
Each one could have been for any of you.



A store dedicated to
Distributing filth rags
That I wear like a uniform.

The threshold breached I
Am stormed by a face familiar
And forgotten, from halls ill-lit

And a grouping of years
Stomped deeper than a subway line.
The she, the she, before I

Plucked my eyes out and reverted
To realize I want the fingers of a man
The voice of a man.

I smiled and I lied because I can.
Fiction is my proxy when penned
In the arena of an honest grin.

Even I believed the thick-knit lyric
Launched from my catapult
Until I returned to my cell.

I embraced her while lying, baring
Teeth that must have been
Convincing. She was happy

For me. I was happy for no one
Underneath the teal fur an hour



My Homunculus

I ached at
Inverted porcupine, mind like stew
I need a beaker, a
     Beaker filled with goo to create
My homunculus so
I thought: this van will do.

This van, not that van
That van is haunted by the driveway
     Where we fell where I fell,
By the swinging scalp of the enemy,
The pseudo-steel ellipse peppered
     With what is left of my
     Family tree
Haunted by the three
Seats that remain unhinged
     The twinge of the act of the entrance
“Tell me you want it” I should have
     let you freeze in the parking lot
Beaker is smeared and cloudy but
     It will do.

And “do” it did, but
The job was done in a forest green
Shoebox more often
     Than not
I’d imagine how light footed we
would be;
     I, him,
     He, me,
I would hear the crinkle and sniff up
my snot and
     Concoct who I would run from tonight.
Buried boyfriend?
     Dear maman?
I had the bloody drum but I was
Atlas and it fit snugly and writhes
Uncomfortably on my shoulders
When was I assigned this role?

That is why you will bear a hole,
My homunculus, you will brave the
Sloping bowl of rock bottom for I
A hole where that hummingbird knot
     would cry.
A handful and I slip them into
Pockets and plastics but the boot
     snaps two and then there
Was you.

She struggled with a can of tea I
Wasn’t allowed to watch her wrestle
     Herself free from her leash we
Watched videos in the beaker we
spoke of sorrow with upturned lips
And flowers blooming from our
crotches we were heavy tongued we
     Was not me.
It was you, my homunculus.

There were so many test tubes the
black sleek eel that collected
pebbles of rain I have a picture of
that night of my fleshy palm
upturned as it became your fleshy
     palm upturned
Your cornucopia beneath the dome
light do not think that I use you
We diffuse the tangled testimonies and
     embark across the concrete floor.
Don’t forget to lock the door.

Snow White V-sweeties and we
glided through the circuit of the local
I’ve always wondered if when viewed
from a searching helicopter it is cut
like a swastika I feel like it is so it
     must be so
There is no
Manifest Destiny no Sears Tower
     seraphim no Xeroxed “X”
So you retreat and she slides herself
Into the viscous beaker and you join
her in the passenger seat.
     My homunculus.
I think your struts are going out.

Do not think I use you I miss you
     like I used to miss ill-fitting friends
I take the bends and run the stop
signs when I sprint down corridors
     with the hourglass reversed
I’ve seen on green “LAFAYETTE” and
I ride the wave of unpaved
But I am not well-acquainted with
     She fled in the bed of a pickup truck

She fled in the beaker, once alone
The second time with a mist of arms
     and stubble in my seat.
In your seat, my homunculus
What will you do? I used to sneak
     them as I looked through.
To store them in corners of frames
     Beneath paper and rubble.
How greedy I was to awaken you.

Half-lidded, wise,
My blithe eye fails to recognize
     The black-tipped stake,
Another cell to die. That’s all it would
The pennies in the furnace,
Tax return to burn, for who?
Excuse, excuse,
To fend off the color blue.

Not that van, that van is plagued by
the driveway where I felt the ventricle swell.
That van looks, smells, sounds
     like hell.
That beaker slimed in midnight sky 
Like an oil spill. I filled it up with
     numbered tickets for reconciliation.
Triple digit.  The Father eyes his
I swish and swill
And you yawn and peel the barbed
     wire, feel the barbed
     wire rebuke
You stare into the Goodwill mirror
     But, despite typhoons of bile,
     Do not puke.



I feel a splinter of hair under my
A gift from you, my General.
You cannot see me now, for I
Have done what you have done
And done, and done again a
Thousand-fold feeding the dirt
Til it is red and

But, see, now I am the heroine.
I am immortalized in memory and
Print and passionate spittle.
I am in nearly every household,
Gold leaf, glory Hallelujah.
A page for you, my subordinate,
A book for me.
A spine is severed.
My dress is ruined.



I built a dam out of stained soft
                Chairs and paper and unnecessary
Unforeseen apologies received to
                Hold you at bay
And I spoiled myself and
                In return dealt out thirty lashings I
Felt your breath on my skin
Fight or Flight I did not
Fight I hid amongst the wooden towers.

They called me the Chai Guy and the H is
                Branded further into my
                Forehead        here          here 
I wonder what my teeth look like to
Strangers or my debit card all stars and stripes
And scratched with anger Last
Summer I wore them with a dripping doubt
                But last summer was last summer and
                Last summer I was pushing dissecting pins
                Into plush

Perhaps I tossed the cellophane and the
Glittering pinecones into the barricade to
The tables don’t turn they shiver and clatter and
Somersault clumsily reflecting about the axis and
                You become my friend, shape-shifter,
                Therianthrope, the lean whisper beside me the
Fan belt whistling in my head I
Often fail to realize the oceans you have left
                For dead

I elbowed down a family frame as if
By Fate, the severed thread
                F 8 , F 8 the keyboard chips a sliver from
                The polish as they grow irate
Is your policy out of state?

You straddle into welcome and I cock
My elbow for my bride
                (my groom) an occupied upper-lip clothed in
A prism of foil I pace the aisle and by the time
I say I do I am clutching to your muscled knees just
                Leave me be

I Flee

And with a stop-motion flashing of page numbers
Elude you deep into the labyrinth it is Friday I
                Was saved by an over-priced singular poem
Fifteen dollars the title always brings to mind my
Father’s favorite, the
                Skull-faced locomotive that I conquer three-fourths
                And then flush down the toilet

Fifteen dollars is a worthy price by quality but
Fifteen is the saddest exploitation fifteen in
                Florescent cloudiness
                Centimetric binding and my fist, a fork, devours despair
My eyes have fucked a thousand times
That hung so damp in the post-war air
I blanket myself
                in a handful of dust  in the wake of
                prior Armageddon
Fear death by water I fear death by my
Own steel-tipped fingers

You obey the border, but linger.