Every thing must come in three’s,
In we’s, not I’s. There is a toppling with
Two’s, it is common sense. A barbed
Brace on biology, a verdant rug
Determined. This is what we find.
Then, multiply two breasts by three,
Adding gravity, squared, side by
Side. A spaghettification of sorts. O
Estrogen, so wise, so wise. You gave them
A tool, each one, to clot the ticks in my life.
Three faces bright by a monitor. And
Six hands preoccupied. Knuckles
Knobbed, noxious. Girls, girls, why
Must you so tactfully itch to command?
Unzip the marble coffers, you’ve been
Stiff, sedentary every time the
Pool depicts.
You are busy, with a linear
Career. I admire it, the fastidious
Whispers of your instruments.
Three notes. Triple-pitch.
String, stretch, scissor. No
Collective dither, you are aplomb
In your measurement. The whoosh,
The snip, the glint off the shear.
And three serrated grins in the
Void of a slipstream. Girls, Girls. You’ve
Defined. You’ve awaited the last of this
Inch. Oh yes, you've clinched the deadline.