Sunday, July 3, 2016


Your energies dissolve. Steaming off
Above your fractured rampart –
Quite prodigally – they hiss in time with mine.

What a waste, the hyaline sheaths we expect to
Screen such exposures, such burrows. This
Umbilicus of wit

Continues its tapping of skull-oil in droves,
To and fro. An indefatigable transplant of
Gray intellect.

I had never dreamt our bodies so loud in
Their boiling, obedient poise of composure.
Hardly a shock that the diaphanous knot of the

Face should hide a nose, house the inaudible shriek
Of anguish – Both flinch and fidget betray
The mind, the mind. Will it not bind itself –

A cage a corset – anything to civilize? O rabid
Dazzler, o defector, quick to feed and

Your looking glass casket haunts and jeers –
It is out to get me, I’m convinced – like the
Minatory crow. So, so, here we are, twins, Siamese.

Heads welded and chests seething –
We are a pharmacist’s wet dream.
The current gurgles on through the cord,

Back and forth, back and forth.
“I’m just tired,” you say. I do not believe you.
You are aware, of course.